

June 2023

The domestic LED lightbulb project has been successfully completed, with Barningham’s electricity consumption reduced by 7,217 kWh a year, equivalent to an annual reduction of nearly 1,400 kg of carbon emissions.  Meanwhile a group of Scouts helped progress hedge and tree planting in Bull Acre towards completion of the scheme.

Attention is now turning to a wider biodiversity initiative in Holmedale (Barningham’s nearest neighbours: Newsham, Dalton, Gayles, Ravensworth, and Whashton).  Significant funding is available from Highways England as compensation for the loss of habitat resulting from the A66 improvement works.

Read our latest Newsletter and check out the Projects section, which will be updated shortly.

February 2023

The group’s activities have continued with: commencement of a planting scheme in a field owned by the Parish Meeting (Bull Acre) and; a successful start to the domestic lightbulb initiative.  Read about these in our latest Newsletter and the Projects section.

November 2022

It’s been a while since the last website update but activities have continued, with the latest being the imminent commencement of the domestic lightbulb initiative.  Read about it in our latest Newsletter and the Projects section.

September 2021

September 2021

July 2021

The latest Home Energy Factsheet (no. 5a of 24 at the moment) has been issued locally with our 11th Newsletter. The Factsheet urges people to avoid the ‘greenwash’ of some so-called renewable electricity tariffs – who knows, you could be better off financially too.  Check it out!

July 2021

July 2021

Another interesting BBC Radio 4 The Bottom Line programme on EV charging on 1 July 2021

June 2021

Interesting BBC Radio 4 Moneybox programme on community energy projects on 30 June 2021

May 2021

Zoom presentation of Barningham Net Zero Renewable Energy Project Feasibility Study outcomes and an opportunity to ask questions on Wednesday 12 May 2021.

May 2021

Read the latest Newsletter and check out the whole series of Energy Factsheets together with the Index.

March 2021

Barningham Net Zero latest newsletter, issued with Energy Factsheets on heating and cooking.  Click on the link to see the whole series.

February 2021

Barningham Net Zero latest newsletter, issued with Energy Factsheets 6 to 9, including government schemes, and help for the elderly and vulnerable.  Click on the link to see the whole series.

Barningham Energy Project provisional scheme Zoom presentation and question session, 10 February 2021 – pre-meeting Consultation Document, Presentation and pre- and post-presentation Qs&As

December 2020

The first Home Energy Factsheet (of 21 at the moment) has been issued locally with our 7th Newsletter. The Factsheets together with Index will be loaded onto a separate page – these will be uploaded gradually and may be updated from time to time.

December 2020

Barningham Energy Survey Zoom virtual presentation and question session, 2 December 2020

November 2020

Barningham Energy Survey Report

November 2020

Newsletter issue 6

September 2020

Helen Goodman climate change talk material (the talk was also recorded, however it is 1hr 13min long and 362Mb – any questions please contact

September 2020

Newsletter issue 5

September 2020

Helen Goodman climate change talk via Zoom on 30 September (link available 23 September)

August 2020

Energy Survey launched

July 2020

Project updates: energy, produce at the fountain, green homes grant, tree planting

June 2020

RCEF grant awarded

January 2020

Grant application approval

December 2019

Project outlined